Table Settings/Themes

We have enjoyed coming up with fun themes for our dinners. The theme concept really helps to set the stage for our dinner and helps give us a focus. The host is the one responsible for coming up with the theme and creating their own table setting.

Here is a list of all of the themes we have enjoyed so far. Some pictures of the theme, invitation, and/or table setting are included below. 

Dinner Themes
  • Italian Feast
  • Mission Impossible
  • Memorial Weekend BBQ
  • Rock 'N Roll Dinner
  • Tapas-Style Fiesta
  • Fall Soup Kitchen
  • Flip Flop Fun
  • Family Traditions Taste 'N Tell Dinner
  • Ali's Alphabet Dinner
  • A Chocolate Affair
  • Spooktacular Halloween Cuisine

Italian Feast

This theme included a traditional eight-course menu as is customary in Italy. Here is Christie's festive invitation. The map was an addition designed to cover up Christie's address and phone number.

Mission Impossible Theme

Paulette chose a fun Mission: Impossible theme for her dinner. She cleverly put together a fun invitation that was sent to us via email with these instructions:

Memorial Weekend BBQ Theme

Michele hosted a BBQ over Memorial Day weekend. She set a cute patriotic table setting all in red, white, and blue. The perfect accent was the little military men that set the appropriate reminder for what Memorial Day is all about. 

Rock & Roll Theme

This fun music-inspired theme keeps the party hoppin'.  Each guest was assigned to bring a different course and was asked to base their selection on a song that would complement the dish.  The guest was to come to the party with their creative dish and share their song with the group. We ended up using an iPhone to search for the music on YouTube and then put the iPhone into the docking station to play the music around the table.   

Tapas-Style Fiesta

In the Spanish language 'tapas' means appetizers.  Eating 'tapas' style is a popular way of life in Spanish culture.  The idea is to eat small appetizer-sized portions for each course of the meal so each course is completed in only 2-3 bites.  This time-saver allows for more conversation as people are not so focused on eating large portions of food.  It was a fun idea and we enjoyed our tapas-style dinner.  

Fall Soup Kitchen

Marina's soup kitchen dinner was perfect for the changing fall weather. We enjoyed a variety of soups, breads, and fall time desserts. Loved her individual name cards by each plate.  

Alphabet Theme  

Ali, our elementary school teacher, wowed us with this clever theme.  To begin, assign your courses and tell everyone to base their course selection on a letter that starts with their first or last name.  Then set your table using letters as decorations.  Using Scrabble tiles to spell out each guest's name as a place card is great personal touch.

A Chocolate Affair

This fun theme is all about chocolate.  Attendees are required to use chocolate as an ingredient in their dish.  Also, ask each attendee to bring their favorite type of chocolate to the dinner for a special chocolate-tasting afterwards as part of dessert.  

Halloween Spooktacular!

Have your guests bring dishes with a Halloween twist. Decorate your table and dining room in festive Halloween decor for a spooky-good time.